I cannot post without mentioning the dreadful floods that Queensland and northern New South Wales are having at the moment. I am sure that by now most of my readers are aware of what is happening.
I applaud the efforts of all volunteers and all paid workers who are assisting with the efforts and who are so brave as they save people from floodwaters and also the coroners and the police who will be going house to house in the aftermath and hope that the death count does not extend any further than the current 12 people.
Like many, I feel powerless to help, but I congratulate those such as
Recycled Fashion who are donating goods to be auctioned (hers will be a silent auction with the highest bidder to be notified, then to present evidence of their donation to the relief fund). I intend to place a bid on that one! There are also many other blog writers and artists who are contributing items for auctions such as this and you can connect with them by hitting the pink button on the left of this post or perhaps scroll down my blog to the Australian bloggers and see some who are participating.
My husband and my family are in the midst of moving to the Southern Tablelands of New South Wales, about 80% packed now and when I am sorted in our new home, with internet connections etc, I will find something to place for a silent auction on my blog.
We will be out of our home in Sydney within the coming week and as we pack, I can't help feeling the irony of our packing taking so long as some people are having their lifetime of possessions washed away in a matter of hours.
I don't have anybody I know directly affected by the floods, but there are several people whose blogs I read who are in the thick of it and I was speaking to a friend last night whose father has a friend whose parents experienced the 1974 flood and are now experiencing this one through their house at Goodna. Unbelievable the destruction.
I don't know if I should continue on with my post, but in light of the fact that I don't know when my next will be posted, I will ...
Okay, batteries have been found and I have a few photos of my holiday thrifting to share and one other ...
First, the achievement. At the age of 38, about 20 years too late, I have achieved my red P plates, which now means I can drive a car by myself at a restricted maximum speed of 90 kilometres/hour. The driving test was passed on my daughter's 9th birthday. This happened last week, not today. Just delayed in sharing.
I have been driving across several suburbs by myself since and have had the pleasure of visiting Freedom and Fantastic Furniture in a bulky goods shopping centre by myself! I plan visiting a Spotlight by car next and maybe a Vinnies.
Onto holiday thrifting finds and photos!
Arnotts Tin, Harrington Markets - $3. Now faithfully containing the DMC stranded cottons (no, not the ones organised ...others!)
1940's/1950's Vintage Anodised Cake Tin, Harrington Markets - $10. The seller had another similiar, but bigger for $18 and had this one marked at $12 and instantly said $10 when I offered him $20. Now kicking self I didn't purchase the other one. Now faithfully holding DMC Perle cottons.
Interesting pottery/china mug, Harrington Anglican Op Shop, $1. No marks of maker on the bottom. This was too good to share with the boys in my previous post regarding "Special Drinking Mugs".
Various hand embroidered napkins and doily, Harrington Anglican Op Shop, 50c each.