This scarf pattern is from Page 78 of the Annual 2007 Creative Knitting Magazine (Australia) (which I purchased ex-library...). It is not called this, it is called something else which relates to the yarn used in the pattern.
I've knitted as per pattern and added two rows of garter before recommencing pattern. Does this make it my pattern? Not publishing pattern, only my photo of said scarf.
The cast on end was very nice and wavy as a result of the pattern and the cast off edge rather dull and straight. I guess that this scarf can only be worn with proper winding around the neck, starting at the cast off edge. Knitted in Lincraft's Cosy yarn (colour Moss Green) which I picked up sometime last year as "water damaged" for $2, on 8mm needles. I think it was supposed to be 8 ply wool, but it seemed thinner. Like 5 ply, but very soft and scrunchy, the colour is lovely and it feels delicious.
I took the photo on a green towel on my bed. I'm a knitter, not a photographer.
Blogging has inspired me to finish some of my UFO's (Unfinished Objects) so I can:
(a) give them to their intended recipients
(b) have a personal record of them
(c) get them out of my mounting pile of knitting paraphernalia
(d) relieve me of the guilt of having promised something and then not completing.
(e) all of the above.
And so I am off to complete my son's kindergarten teacher's scarf, which I had knitted and had cast off. It was a little short, so with the third ball, I am cutting the frindge, attaching to the cast on edge, counting how many I need for the cast off edge, pulling out the cast off, reattaching the third ball and knitting until I am finished.
I also watched "P.S.I Love You" which inspired the name. Ireland looks beautiful.